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ET 0049


Cards by Estonian Telephone

ET 0043
(NB! Card manufactured from the wood. Promotion card, not for sale.)

ET0043 - avers ET0043 - revers

Chip on the front of card.

Chip used

Chip 4

ET0043 - avers ET0043 - revers

Chip on the back of card.

Chips used

Chip 4 Chip 5

Face value 50 EEK

Print run

Chip on the front200
Chip 4 on the back150
Chip 5 on the back50
Issued September 1996
Design Inorek & Grey

"Estonian Telephone's" official information about print run (2000 copies of that card) is surely exaggeration. Because of manufacturing problems real quantity was much smaller, most sources give the total number of cards only 400 copies.

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© 1998-1999, Raigo Kirss &RADESIGN